bright smile with teeth whitening


After breathing, smiling is one of the things we do every time. It is one of the first things people see when they meet and interact with you. Smiling is one of the most important things that are taken into consideration when it comes to friendliness, first impressions, and an overall idea of how well you care for yourself. Researchers found that strangers are more likely to underestimate an individual’s age if he or she is smiling and according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), a smile that reveals damaged or yellow teeth has the exact opposite effect and tends to make you look even older than your real age.

The good news however is, there are many ways — both low- and high-tech that can help to achieve a beautiful, white smile. From consuming crunchy fruits and veggies to selecting the right shades of lipstick and bronzer, here’s what leading cosmetic dentists recommend to make your smile sparkle and look younger while you’re at it! If you are looking for the best ways to get and keep a white smile, just  follow these six tricks to boost the wattage of your smile.


smile whitening

Don’t Joke With Flossing
Flossing daily will also go a long way in making your smile look beautiful because even the best and most expensive toothbrushes and mouthwash are unable to reach every crevice between your teeth. Flossing properly is the very best way to prevent bacteria and plaque buildup in your mouth which makesit easier for foods, drinks and tobacco to accumulate and stain your teeth if not controlled.

Boost your Calcium and Vitamin C Intake
Maintaining strong teeth is another good way to keep your smile shinning. Consuming a healthy diet that contains certain teeth-fortifying nutrients will help prevent oral health problems such as tooth decay, erosion, and periodontal disease. Calcium helps grow and develop both baby and adult teeth and even strengthens your jawbone. Eat calcium-rich low-fat and fat-free milk, cruciferous vegetables (green leafy vegetables like cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, and cauliflower), cheese and calcium-fortified juices, breads, breakfast cereals, or soy products.

vitamin c

Vitamin C also maintains strong teeth as an antioxidant that repairs tissue and prevent disease-causing bacteria from penetrating the gums. Cruciferous veggies, especially broccolli will do both as they’re rich in both calcium and vitamin C.

teeth whitening

Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking plenty of water helps ward off bacteria from your mouth (especially after meals) and helps to prevent stains and protect your teeth from the harmful effects of acidic foods and beverages.

Chew Sugarless Gum
Chewing sugarless gum is an easy way to trigger saliva which is a natural way to fight acid and keep your teeth looking bright.

whitening teeth
sparkle smile

Fake your Smile with Makeup
If you want an even faster solution than the above mentioned, try a new makeup routine to get a whiter smile on the go. One  effective way to make your teeth appear brighter instantly is by wearing shades of lipstick that have a blue undertone and bronzer to darken the skin tone for a greater contrast to the teeth.

Get Dental Implants
Getting dental implants can help you to restore your smile, replacing gaps caused by missing teeth. It can be used to support either crowns, bridges or dentures depending on the number of teeth that needs replacing.

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