Tetracycline Stains: Causes and Treatments

Tetracycline Stains: Causes and Treatments

Tetracycline stains are a type of dental discoloration that occurs when the antibiotic tetracycline is used during tooth development. Tetracycline is commonly used to treat various bacterial infections, including acne, respiratory diseases, and urinary tract infections. When used during tooth development, tetracycline can become incorporated into the structure of the teeth, leading to permanent stains that range in color from yellow to brown.

Tetracycline stains can be frustrating for those who have them, as they are difficult to remove with traditional teeth whitening methods. While some over-the-counter whitening products may help to brighten teeth, they are often not strong enough to effectively remove deep stains like those caused by tetracycline.

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for those with tetracycline stains. These include dental bonding, veneers, crowns, and laser teeth whitening.

Veneers and crowns are the best solutions for clients with severe tetracycline stains. Veneers look identical to natural teeth and your dentist can pick the right shade that will compliment you the most, also other cosmetic concerns like a chipped tooth can be taken care of while molding a veneer. Unfortunately, veneers are very expensive and are not covered by insurance. On the other hand, Professional teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to remove surface stains and brighten teeth. While it may not be able to altogether remove deep stains like those caused by tetracycline, it can still improve the overall appearance of the teeth.

If you decided to begin with a less invasive solution and give teeth whitening a chance, we recommend starting with our VIP teeth whitening package. It’s the most effective procedure to eliminate the stubborn discoloration. We use our high-concentration teeth whitening gel to carefully remove stains. After this treatment, most clients will notice a significant improvement in the shade and visible brightness of the teeth. Though laser teeth whitening can’t entirely get rid of tetracycline stains, it can make teeth lighter, and it’s a good option for clients who are not ready to go along with placing veneers and crowns.

You can book your appointment here or give us a call at (646) 360 3450.